Table of Contents
Check out my steam game, Dine n’ Bash!
Game 200-250, DigiPen
- Designed and developed most engine tools, including an editor, renderer, input systems, deserialization, and ECS implementation.
Real-Time Ray-Tracer
CS 398, Vulkan and Real Time Ray Tracing, DigiPen- Uses ray-accumulation and A-Trous denoising
Code Samples⌗
#pragma once
* @author Will Bender
** Defines an interface to interact with types at runtime.
/// Type Definitions
** An object that defines a type's definition.
** Pointers may be nullptr
* This class defines functions that may or may not be implemented by types. When objects that do not have access to
* type information for template functions, they can use this instead.
* Contains function pointers to act upon types, and any other information required to operate the data types.
struct MetaType
static MetaType GenerateType();
/// Function pointer definitions
// Note: count iterates through values assuming data is an array.
// Constructs a value
using DefaultConstruct = void(*)(void* data, uint32_t count);
// Destructs a value
using Destruct = void(*)(void* data, uint32_t count);
// Moves a value from one memory location to another
using MoveConstruct = void(*)(void* src, void* dst, uint32_t count);
// Moves a value to another initialized structure's location
using MoveAssign = void(*)(void* src, void* dst, uint32_t count);
// Copies a value from an initialized value to a memory location
using CopyConstruct = void(*)(void* src, void* dst, uint32_t count);
// Copies a value from an initialized structure to another initialized structure
using CopyAssign = void(*)(void* src, void* dst, uint32_t count);
/// Data
mDataSize, // The size of the data in bytes
mDataAlignment; // The alignment rules provided by alignas(n)
/// Function Pointers
// Constructs a value
DefaultConstruct mDefaultConstruct;
// Destructs a value
Destruct mDestruct;
// Moves a value from one memory location to another
MoveConstruct mMoveConstruct;
// Moves a value to another initialized structure's location
MoveAssign mMoveAssign;
// Copies a value from a initialized value to a memory location
CopyConstruct mCopyConstruct;
// Copies a value from an initialized structure to another initialized structure
CopyAssign mCopyAssign;
/// Template Implementations
MetaType MetaType::GenerateType()
MetaType out{};
// Fill in size information
out.mDataSize = sizeof(T);
out.mDataAlignment = alignof(T);
// Generate lambda functions with known function signatures
out.mDefaultConstruct = [](void* data, uint32_t count)
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
new (static_cast(data) + i) T();
out.mDestruct = [](void* data, uint32_t count)
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
out.mMoveConstruct = [](void* src, void* dst, uint32_t count)
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
new (static_cast(dst) + i) T(std::move(*static_cast(src)));
out.mMoveAssign = [](void* src, void* dst, uint32_t count)
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
static_cast(dst)[i] = std::move(*static_cast(src));
out.mCopyConstruct = [](void* src, void* dst, uint32_t count)
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
new (static_cast(dst) + i) T(*static_cast(src));
out.mCopyAssign = [](void* src, void* dst, uint32_t count)
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
static_cast(dst)[i] = static_cast(*src);
return out;
* @author Will Bender
#pragma once
* Slotmap Data Structure
* Associative data structure where keys are provided upon data instertion.
* Functions as an im-place allocator/arena.
* @tparam Value Value type
* Key type returned by SlotMaps, referenced using `SlotMap::Key`
* - Index: Index into the `SlotMap`
* - Generation: The number of times the index in the `SlotMap` has been used.
* - Intended to allow for comparisons between two keys, to ensure reused slots to not have identical Keys.
class SlotKey
GenerationType mGeneration;
IndexType mIndex;
SlotKey() :
mGeneration(std::numeric_limits::max()), mIndex(std::numeric_limits::max()) {};
* Construct Key. Do not do this unless you know what you are doing.
* @param generation generation
* @param index index
SlotKey(unsigned generation, unsigned index);
* Copy Key
* @param other Other Key
SlotKey(const SlotKey& other) = default;
* Copy key
* @param other Other key
* @return Key
SlotKey& operator=(const SlotKey& other) = default;
* Return the generation of the current key (See `Key`)
* @return Generation
GenerationType GetGeneration() const;
* Return the index of the current key (See `Key`)
* @return Index
IndexType GetIndex() const;
friend bool operator==(const SlotKey& lhs, const SlotKey& rhs)
return lhs.mGeneration == rhs.mGeneration
&& lhs.mIndex == rhs.mIndex;
friend bool operator!=(const SlotKey& lhs, const SlotKey& rhs)
return !(lhs == rhs);
class SlotMap
using Value = _Value;
using IndexType = _IndexType;
using GenerationType = _GenerationType;
using Key = SlotKey;
* Key with type verification, to ensure keys aren't used outside their
* allocated SlotMaps
struct TypedKey
Key mKey;
* Copy Key
* @param other Other Key
TypedKey() : mKey() {};
TypedKey(const TypedKey& other);
TypedKey(GenerationType generation, IndexType index) :
mKey(generation, index) {}
TypedKey(Key key) : mKey(key) {}
* Copy key
* @param other Other key
* @return Key
TypedKey& operator=(const TypedKey& other);;
* Return the generation of the current key (See `Key`)
* @return Generation
GenerationType GetGeneration() const;
* Return the index of the current key (See `Key`)
* @return Index
IndexType GetIndex() const;
friend bool operator==(const TypedKey& lhs, const TypedKey& rhs)
return lhs.mKey == rhs.mKey;
friend bool operator!=(const TypedKey& lhs, const TypedKey& rhs)
return !(lhs == rhs);
* Internal node structure
* Contains the data for the SlotMap
struct Node
Node(Value&& data, unsigned generation);
Node(const Node& other) = delete;
Node(Node&& other) noexcept;
Node& operator=(const Node& other) = delete;
Node& operator=(Node&& other) noexcept = delete;
if (mHasData) uData.~Value();
Value uData;
size_t uNextFree;
unsigned mGeneration = 0;
bool mHasData;
// limited to sizeof(IndexType) byte indices
std::vector mNodes;
size_t mFreeList;
mutable uint32_t mSize;
// Iterator for `SlotMap`
class iterator
iterator(SlotMap* map, size_t index) : mPtr(map), mIndex(index)
SlotMap* mPtr;
size_t mIndex;
friend SlotMap;
using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using value_type = Value;
using pointer = Value*;
using reference = Value&;
iterator(const iterator& other) = default;
iterator(iterator&& other) noexcept = default;
iterator& operator=(const iterator& other) = default;
iterator& operator=(iterator&& other) noexcept = default;
~iterator() = default;
// Returns a data reference to the corresponding data contained within the `SlotMap`
reference operator*();
// Returns the data pointer to the corresponding data contained within the `SlotMap`
pointer operator->();
// Returns a const data reference to the corresponding data contained within the `SlotMap`
reference operator*() const;
// Returns a const data pointer to the corresponding data contained within the `SlotMap`
pointer operator->() const;
// Increments the iterator;
iterator& operator++();
// Increments a new iterator;
iterator operator++(int);
reference get();
reference get() const;
Key GetKey();
// Equivalence function
friend bool operator==(const iterator& a, const iterator& b)
return a.mPtr == b.mPtr && a.mIndex == b.mIndex;
// Inequality function
friend bool operator!=(const iterator& a, const iterator& b)
return !(a == b);
// Const iterator for `SlotMap`
class const_iterator
const_iterator(SlotMap* map, size_t index) : mPtr(map), mIndex(index)
const SlotMap* mPtr;
size_t mIndex;
friend SlotMap;
using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using value_type = Value;
using pointer = const Value*;
using reference = const Value&;
const_iterator(const const_iterator& other) = default;
const_iterator(const_iterator&& other) noexcept = default;
const_iterator& operator=(const const_iterator& other) = default;
const_iterator& operator=(const_iterator&& other) noexcept = default;
~const_iterator() = default;
// Returns a const reference to the corresponding data contained within `SlotMap`
reference operator*() const;
// Returns a const pointer to the corresponding data contained within `SlotMap`
pointer operator->() const;
// Increments the iterator
iterator& operator++();
// Increments a new iterator
iterator operator++(int);
reference get() const;
Key GetKey();
// Equality Function
friend bool operator==(const iterator& a, const iterator& b)
return a.mPtr == b.mPtr && a.mIndex == b.mIndex;
// Inequality Function
friend bool operator!=(const iterator& a, const iterator& b)
return !(a == b);
// Create a new `SlotMap`
SlotMap() : mNodes(), mFreeList(SIZE_MAX)
// Copy an iterator into a `SlotMap`
SlotMap(I& data) : mNodes(data.begin(), data.end()), mFreeList(SIZE_MAX)
// Move `SlotMap` data into another
SlotMap(SlotMap&& other) noexcept : mNodes(std::move(other.mNodes)), mFreeList(other.mFreeList)
// Copy a SlotMap from one to another
SlotMap(const SlotMap& other) : mNodes(other.mNodes), mFreeList(other.mFreeList)
SlotMap(std::initializer_list initializerList) : mNodes(initializerList), mFreeList(SIZE_MAX)
* Insert new data, returning a `TypedKey`
* @param data Value to insert
* @return Key referring to data
TypedKey insert(Value&& data);
* Remove data corresponding to given `Key`
* @param key Data to remove
void remove(Key key);
void remove(TypedKey key);
* Attempt to remove data corresponding to given `Key`, return false on error/fail.
* @param key Data to remove
* @return Success
bool TryRemove(Key key);
bool TryRemove(TypedKey key);
* Check if data is contained within the `SlotMap`
* @param key Data to check
* @return Contained
bool contains(const Key& key);
bool contains(const TypedKey& key);
* Remove data in `SlotMap` at location
* @param iter Iterator to remove at
iterator erase(iterator& iter);
* Remove data in `SlotMap` at location
* @param iter Iterator to remove at
const_iterator erase(const_iterator& iter);
* Return the iterator at the start of the `SlotMap`
* @return Iterator at the start
iterator begin();
* Return the iterator at the start of the `SlotMap`
* @return Constant iterator at the start
const_iterator begin() const;
* Return the iterator at the end of the `SlotMap`
* @return Iterator at the end
iterator end();
* Return the iterator at the end of the `SlotMap`
* @return Const iterator at the end
const_iterator end() const;
* Index into the slotmap
* @param key Key to index with
* @return Iterator at the location
iterator operator[](const Key& key);
iterator operator[](const TypedKey& key);
* Index into the slotmap
* @param key Key to index with
* @return Const iterator at the location
const_iterator operator[](const Key& key) const;
const_iterator operator[](const TypedKey& key) const;
* Find a value in the slotmap
* @param key Key to index with
* @return Iterator at the location
iterator find(const Key& key);
iterator find(const TypedKey& key);
* Find a value in the slotmap
* @param key Key to index with
* @return Const iterator at the location
const_iterator find(const Key& key) const;
const_iterator find(const TypedKey& key) const;
GenerationType GetGeneration(const IndexType& key) const;
uint32_t Size() const;
class KeyHasher
std::size_t operator()(const SlotKey& key) const
size_t seed = std::hash()(key.GetGeneration());
seed ^= std::hash()(key.GetIndex())
+ 0x9e3779b9 + (seed<<6) + (seed>>2);
return seed;
class TypedKeyHasher
std::size_t operator()(const typename SlotMap::TypedKey& key) const
size_t seed = std::hash()(key.GetGeneration());
seed ^= std::hash()(key.GetIndex())
+ 0x9e3779b9 + (seed<<6) + (seed>>2);
return seed;
bool operator==(const typename SlotMap::iterator& a,
const typename SlotMap::iterator& b)
return a.ptr == b.ptr && a.index == b.index;
bool operator!=(const typename SlotMap::iterator& a, const typename SlotMap::iterator& b)
return !(a == b);
bool operator==(const typename SlotMap::const_iterator& a, const typename SlotMap::const_iterator& b)
return a.ptr == b.ptr && a.index == b.index;
bool operator!=(const typename SlotMap::const_iterator& a, const typename SlotMap::const_iterator& b)
return !(a == b);
SlotKey::SlotKey(unsigned generation, unsigned index): mGeneration(generation),
IndexType SlotKey::GetGeneration() const
return mGeneration;
GenerationType SlotKey::GetIndex() const
return mIndex;
SlotMap::TypedKey::TypedKey(const TypedKey& other) : mKey(other.mKey)
typename SlotMap::TypedKey& SlotMap::TypedKey::
operator=(const TypedKey& other)
mKey = other.mKey;
return *this;
GenerationType SlotMap::TypedKey::GetGeneration() const
return mKey.GetGeneration();
IndexType SlotMap::TypedKey::GetIndex() const
return mKey.GetIndex();
SlotMap::Node::Node(Value&& data, unsigned generation): uData(data), mGeneration(generation), mHasData(true)
SlotMap::Node::Node(Node&& other) noexcept
mHasData = other.mHasData;
mGeneration = other.mGeneration;
uData = other.uData;
uNextFree = other.uNextFree;
bool operator==(const typename SlotMap::Key& lhs,
const typename SlotMap::Key& rhs)
return lhs.mGeneration == rhs.mGeneration
&& lhs.mIndex == rhs.mIndex;
typename SlotMap::iterator::reference SlotMap<
Value, GenerationType, IndexType>::iterator::operator*()
return mPtr->mNodes[mIndex].uData;
typename SlotMap::iterator::pointer SlotMap<
Value, GenerationType, IndexType>::iterator::operator->()
return &mPtr->mNodes[mIndex].uData;
typename SlotMap::iterator::reference SlotMap<
Value, GenerationType, IndexType>::iterator::operator*() const
return mPtr->mNodes[mIndex].uData;
typename SlotMap::iterator::pointer SlotMap<
Value, GenerationType, IndexType>::iterator::operator->() const
return &mPtr->mNodes[mIndex].uData;
typename SlotMap::iterator& SlotMap<
Value, GenerationType, IndexType>::iterator::operator++()
if (mIndex >= mPtr->mNodes.size())
throw std::runtime_error("Incremented iterator on end");
while (!mPtr->mNodes[mIndex].mHasData)
if (mIndex >= mPtr->mNodes.size())
return *this;
return *this;
typename SlotMap::iterator SlotMap<
Value, GenerationType, IndexType>::iterator::operator++(int)
iterator out = *this;
return out;
typename SlotMap::iterator::reference SlotMap::
return **this;
typename SlotMap::iterator::reference SlotMap::
iterator::get() const
return **this;
typename SlotMap::Key SlotMap::iterator::GetKey()
auto& map = mPtr->mNodes[mIndex];
return Key{map.mGeneration, mIndex};
typename SlotMap::const_iterator::reference SlotMap<
Value, GenerationType, IndexType>::const_iterator::operator*() const
return mPtr->mNodes[mIndex].uData;
typename SlotMap::const_iterator::pointer SlotMap<
Value, GenerationType, IndexType>::const_iterator::operator->() const
return &mPtr->mNodes[mIndex].uData;
typename SlotMap::iterator& SlotMap<
Value, GenerationType, IndexType>::const_iterator::operator++()
if (mIndex >= mPtr->mNodes.size())
throw std::runtime_error("Incremented iterator on end");
while (!mPtr->mNodes[mIndex].has_data)
if (mIndex >= mPtr->mNodes.size())
return *this;
return *this;
typename SlotMap::iterator SlotMap<
Value, GenerationType, IndexType>::const_iterator::operator++(int)
iterator out = *this;
return out;
typename SlotMap::const_iterator::reference SlotMap::const_iterator::get() const
return **this;
typename SlotMap::Key SlotMap::const_iterator::
auto& map = mPtr->mNodes[mIndex];
return Key{map.mGeneration, mIndex};
typename SlotMap::TypedKey SlotMap::insert(Value&& data)
if (mFreeList != SIZE_MAX)
size_t next = mNodes[mFreeList].uNextFree;
new (&mNodes[mFreeList].uData) Value{std::move(data)};
Key key(mNodes[mFreeList].mGeneration, static_cast(mFreeList));
mNodes[mFreeList].mHasData = true;
mFreeList = next;
return key;
Key key(0, static_cast(mNodes.size()));
mNodes.emplace_back(std::move(data), 0);
return TypedKey{key};
void SlotMap::remove(Key key)
if (key.mIndex >= mNodes.size())
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid key - invalid index");
Node& node = mNodes[key.mIndex];
if (node.mGeneration != key.mGeneration)
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid key - object already destroyed");
node.mGeneration += 1;
node.uNextFree = mFreeList;
node.mHasData = false;
mFreeList = key.mIndex;
void SlotMap::remove(TypedKey key)
bool SlotMap::TryRemove(Key key)
if (key.mIndex >= mNodes.size())
return false;
Node& node = mNodes[key.mIndex];
if (node.mGeneration != key.mGeneration)
return false;
node.mGeneration += 1;
node.uNextFree = mFreeList;
node.mHasData = false;
mFreeList = key.index;
return true;
bool SlotMap::TryRemove(TypedKey key)
return TryRemove(key.mKey);
bool SlotMap::contains(const Key& key)
if (key.mIndex >= mNodes.size()) return false;
return mNodes[key.mIndex].mGeneration == key.mGeneration;
bool SlotMap::contains(const TypedKey& key)
return contains(key.mKey);
typename SlotMap::iterator SlotMap<
Value, GenerationType, IndexType>::erase(iterator& iter)
if (iter.mPtr != this)
throw std::runtime_error("Attempted to remove value from incorrect SlotMap");
if (iter.mPtr == end())
throw std::runtime_error("Erased called with end iterator");
if (iter.mIndex >= mNodes.size())
throw std::runtime_error("Attempted to remove value with invalid index");
Node& node = mNodes[iter.mIndex];
node.mGeneration += 1;
node.uNextFree = mFreeList;
node.mHasData = false;
mFreeList = iter.mIndex;
return iter;
typename SlotMap::const_iterator SlotMap::erase(
const_iterator& iter)
if (iter.mPtr != this)
throw std::runtime_error("Attempted to remove value from incorrect SlotMap");
if (iter.mPtr == end())
throw std::runtime_error("Erased called with end iterator");
if (iter.mIndex >= mNodes.size())
throw std::runtime_error("Attempted to remove value with invalid index");
Node& node = mNodes[iter.mIndex];
node.mGeneration += 1;
node.uNextFree = mFreeList;
node.mHasData = false;
mFreeList = iter.mIndex;
return iter;
typename SlotMap::iterator SlotMap::begin()
return iterator(this, 0);
typename SlotMap::const_iterator SlotMap<
Value, GenerationType, IndexType>::begin() const
return const_iterator(this, 0);
typename SlotMap::iterator SlotMap::end()
return iterator(this, mNodes.size());
typename SlotMap::const_iterator SlotMap<
Value, GenerationType, IndexType>::end() const
return const_iterator(this, mNodes.size());
typename SlotMap::iterator SlotMap::operator[
](const Key& key)
return find(key);
typename SlotMap::iterator SlotMap::operator[](
const TypedKey& key)
return (*this)[key.mKey];
typename SlotMap::const_iterator SlotMap::operator[
](const Key& key) const
return find(key);
typename SlotMap::const_iterator SlotMap::
operator[](const TypedKey& key) const
return (*this)[key.mKey];
typename SlotMap::iterator SlotMap<
Value, GenerationType, IndexType>::find(const Key& key)
if (key.mIndex >= mNodes.size())
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid key - invalid index");
Node& node = mNodes[key.mIndex];
if (node.mGeneration != key.mGeneration)
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid key - object already destroyed");
return iterator(this, key.mIndex);
typename SlotMap::iterator SlotMap::find(
const TypedKey& key)
return find(key.mKey);
typename SlotMap::const_iterator SlotMap::find(
const Key& key) const
if (key.mIndex >= mNodes.size())
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid key - invalid index");
const Node& node = mNodes[key.mIndex];
if (node.mGeneration != key.mGeneration)
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid key - object already destroyed");
return const_iterator(this, key.mIndex);
typename SlotMap::const_iterator SlotMap::find(
const TypedKey& key) const
return find(key.mKey);
typename SlotMap<_Value, _IndexType, _GenerationType>::GenerationType SlotMap<_Value, _IndexType, _GenerationType>::
GetGeneration(const IndexType& key) const
return mNodes[key].mGeneration;
uint32_t SlotMap<_Value, _IndexType, _GenerationType>::Size() const
return mSize;