Dine N Bash

Role: Technical Lead

Top Down Diner Dash with Bullet Hell Elements

DigiPen  2023-24  GAM 200-250


Programming: Will Bender, Ridley Liu, Mario Ebata, Aviral Gussain, Ryan Lee

Game Design: Nina Cober, Nick Gehl, Noah Crissey, Bren Hermann

The sections below describe engine features that had significant contributions by me. Some were entirely designed and implemented by me, while other were designed but implemented by the team. Some of the sections are still incomplete.

Entity Systems

The engine for Dine N Bash heavily incorperates the ECS pattern. While not the as performant or complex as many implementations, it still allows our game to run incredibly efficiently. Entities are simply tracked indexes that become stored inside component containers, which systems can read and modify.

Graphics Implementation

The graphics implementation is designed specifically for our use case, and the ease of use for others. While not the most efficient for some tasks, it lays the groundwork for easy entity manipulation without worry. It is implemented in OpenGL 4.3, and GLFW.

The 2D renderer has most of the expected objects, including Shader, Texture,  and Mesh objects along with a Graphics Component to allow entities to render. The real magic is the Material and EntityBuffer objects. 

The base structure of the Material object is to specify the Shader, Texture, and Layer that will be rendered to. Whenever you want to draw an object with the Material, you provide a Mesh along with any data required by the shader program. Instead of drawing it directly to the screen, the necessary information required to draw will be stored within the material for later use.

The EntityBuffer is simply a OpenGL buffer that stores necessary information for all calls made through a material. This means that every frame, all of the Materials provide the EntityBuffer with every draw call it has been given. As Materials provide data to the EntityBuffer, they are returned indices that they pull from to render.

Once all of the entity data is sent to the GPU, the Materials (in draw order) run instanced draw commands using their Texture, (shader) Program, and indices into the EntityBuffer

The implementation for this system is fairly rudimentary. Some details:

While many parts of this renderer are great, most (if not all) are based on specific assumptions that we could make due to the nature of our game. This renderer would not be great for general purpose uses, but for small games with few static objects, this renderer fits our needs perfectly.


Our editor is created using Dear ImGUI, a C Immediate Mode GUI library. From it comes a incredibly easy to use and robust set of GUI tools, including the ability to create docking windows.

Existing windows and features in the engine include:


The deserialization system in the engine is far too complex, with way too many moving parts to be my proudest work. What did end up coming out of it was something that worked *mostly* efficiently, with some quirks that did not get completely sorted out. The deserialization system will be from here on out referred to as the Archetype System, as that is how it is labeled in the engine.


Resource Management
